Thursday, May 31, 2012

It's so interesting how the mind-body connection works. For years I was so focused on SD that I tended to 'feed' it. It became the central 'theme' of my life. Once I let go of it, my voice improved and I moved on. But guess what! Now I find migraines are the new 'theme' of my life. And I have treated the physical symptoms for the most part. I could list them all, but if you have migraines, you have probably tried them too. So I finally found some relief (not cure) with dry needling into the muscles that tighten and produce a migraine (tension headache? migraine? who cares?! I'm in pain.). And I have also started a mindfulness/meditation practice. This doesn't qualify as the 'correct' approach according to Dr. Sarno, but I am going to experiment with 'feeding' mindfulness.

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