Saturday, January 5, 2008

Physical symptoms that can be emotionally induced

In the course of his medical experience, Dr. Sarno realized that TMS is not just limited to musculoskeletal manifestations. Following is a list of conditions which Dr. Sarno believes commonly serve the same purpose. They are conditions which, emotionally induced, can work as a distraction and can be cured through education and awareness. The very last item on this list is Spasmodic Dysphonia.

• Low back pain, diagnosed with one or more of the following: Sciatica, Osteoarthritis, Spinal stenosis, Herniated/bulging/degenerated lumbar disc, Scoliosis, Spondylolysthesis, Piriformis syndrome, Weak/inflexible torso or hip muscles, Spina bifida occulta, Spondylolysis, Transitional vertebra.
• Neck/shoulder pain, diagnosed with one or more of the following: Osteoarthritis, Pinched nerve, Herniated/bulging/degenerated cervical disc, Whiplash, Thoracic outlet syndrome, Weak/inflexible neck, shoulder girdle, or rotator cuff muscles, Rotator cuff tears, Bursitis, Tendonitis.
• Knee pain, diagnosed with one or more of the following: Tendonitis, Torn meniscus, Chondromalacia, Unstable patella, Muscular imbalances around the knee joint, Osteoarthritis
• Elbow pain, diagnosed with one or more of the following: Tennis elbow, Tendonitis, Muscular imbalances around the elbow joint, Osteoarthritis
• Foot/lower leg pain, diagnosed with one or more of the following: Tendonitis, Plantar fasciitis, Plantar metatarsalgia, Neuroma, Flat feet, Calcium deposit/heel spur, Shin splints, Muscular imbalances around the ankle or foot joints, Osteoarthritis
• Wrist/hand pain, diagnosed with one or more of the following: Carpal tunnel syndrome/repetitive stress injury, Tendonitis, Muscular imbalances around the wrist or hand joints, Osteoarthritis
• Nerve dysfunction, diagnosed with one or more of the following: Sciatica, Carpal tunnel syndrome/repetitive stress injury, Trigeminal neuralgia/tic douloureux, Bell's palsy
• Temporal mandibular joint syndrome (TMJ)
• Fibromyalgia
• Myofascial pain syndrome
• Tension myalgia
• Chronic pain
• Gastrointestinal disorders: Heartburn/acid reflux, Hiatus hernia, Gastritis, Ulcer, Nervous stomach, Spastic colon, Irritable bowel syndrome, Colitis
• Circulatory disorders: Tension headache, Migraine, Raynaud's phenomenon (excessively cold hands/feet)
• Genitourinary disorders: Frequent urination, Urinary tract infections, Prostatitis
• Cardiac disorders: Rapid pounding heartbeat (paroxysmal auricular tachycardia), Extra (ectopic) heartbeats
• Immune system disorders: Allergies, Asthma attacks, Frequent infections, Skin disorders, Epstein-Barr syndrome
• Psychological disorders: Depression, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Obsessive-compulsive disorder
• Miscellaneous disorders: Dizziness/vertigo, Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), Chronic fatigue syndrome, Laryngitis/spasmodic dysphonia

1 comment:

Kathy said...

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