Although it was really a 'process' not an 'event', I would say it took between 4 to 6 weeks for me to overcome SD. I initially started using Dr. Sarno's approach for back pain. So I wasn't really focused on my voice. My back pain started to melt away almost immediately...but there was still deep muscle soreness that eventually and slowly diminished a little each day. I would just notice that the pain was less and as it did I became more confident doing Yoga and other physical things. During this time I started to notice my voice would sound 'normal' for extended conversation. So I made the connection that SD was an equivalent for me as are my migraines and GERD.
I was and still am diligent in focusing on emotions when any of this physical stuff comes up for me (e.g. I pull out a sheet of paper and start writing about what things trigger rage for me). Let me point out here that over the years I have been to numerous doctors for all of my physical ailments and 'menopausal' symptoms. There is nothing wrong with me. Period. And I encourage anyone reading this to make sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is nothing wrong with you either before using Dr. Sarno's approach. He explains it much better than I can, so please read one of his books! Meanwhile, I can also include insomnia, night sweats, and carpal tunnel on my list of physical equivalents. All of these problems have and continue to get better. I wish this for you too!
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Dear Lynn,
Really enjoy your website, which was forwarded to me by Connie Pike. I am eager to explore this avenue to get at the root..Does just being aware of the connection help..I am sure it does. How do you integrate the idea..that is the rub....Thanks again, Leslie
Dear Leslie,
To answer your question...yes, just being aware of the connection is the first step. And as far as how to integrate, I found reading nd re-reading Sarno's books plus journaling to apply what I learned to my own experience is what helps. We are so ingrained with this old 'mechanistic' model that it takes concentration to overcome it. Please let me know how it goes for you! Take care, Lynn
I am new on this site but I would like some comments. especially from LYNN . I have a voice problem. I sound like I have S.D.but here is the strange part. When I speak with people my voice sounds strangled however I could walk away from the people, go into a room by myself and say the exact words I tried to say to them and my voice sounds perfectly normal. Same thing on the phone- I can dial to make a call while the phone is ringing, I can practise and my voice sounds fine- then someone answers it and I start sounding strangled again. It seems that my problem is in my head. I have always had some social anxiety but now as soon as I have to talk to someone I am having a problem but NO problems when I talk or read outloud to myself. Can anyone comment on my condition and also tell my how to email the LYNN who is at this site.Thanks
Hi Kathy,
I encourage you to read all of my posts starting with the earliest and working your way to the most recent. I will email you privately too. Lynn
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